Superfici Creative

Decorazione interni

Via Nicotera, 51, 17024 Finale Ligure, SV

In the splendid town of Finalborgo, my laboratory Superfici Creative represents my business designing and creating interiors for private houses and public buildings.
I create decorations, resins, aged effect walls, painted rugs, wall coverings, furniture and much more.

For me every project is a unique piece that I create in accordance with the client’s personal tastes, recalling the past and mixing techniques and styles with graphics and creativity.
My artistic training and previous experience allow me to produce works in Northern and Central Italy working in sectors that range from flooring to thickness coating and simple and painted resins, from glazes to coloured furniture and wallpaper.
This is a relatively unique business and for this reason I always invite clients to meet for a chat in order to get a proper understanding and view some of my previous works together.

For those who love original style and are looking for uniqueness.

Where we Are



© Copyright | Credits: pb
P.I: 01630960092 | CF: 90056560098